Downtown for Everyone - Streetscape Plan

CATEGORY: A - Studies Research and Consulting


CLIENT/OWNER: City of Bloomington, IL


SUBMITTING FIRM: Crawford, Murphy & Tilly


KEY PARTICIPANTS: Massie Massie & Associates, Hewn Arhitectural Studio, Clear Design Group


DESCRIPTION: The Downtown for Everyone Streetscape Plan is the result of a multi-year, engineering-led effort to revitalize 72 blocks of Downtown Bloomington by prioritizing mobility, inclusivity, and economic vitality. The engineering team’s holistic, interdisciplinary approach converted initial skepticism into consensus and enthusiasm. By leading a process that engaged City officials, business owners, and the public, the engineers worked to align a sound, technical plan with the many competing community expectations. This focus on collaboration, along with urban design expertise, allowed them to create solutions that were actionable, programmable, practical, and affordable.