CATEGORY: G - Water Resources
CLIENT/OWNER: Village of Winnetka, IL
SUBMITTING FIRM: Strand Associates, Inc.
KEY PARTICIPANTS: Village of Winnetka, Strand Associates, Inc., Human Nature Inc., Continental Mapping Consultants, LLC, SEECO Consultants, Inc., True North Consultants, Millennia Professional Services, Commonwealth Heritage Group
DESCRIPTION: The Village’s West and Southwest Winnetka Stormwater Management Program provides 100-year storm level of protection for a community that had been experiencing up to $1.9 million in flood-related damages every year. To achieve this successful project, the project team planned, designed, and assisted with implementation of a unique interconnected and synchronized system of stormwater conveyance, storage, and pumping that functions as a cohesive stormwater management facility fit within an urban landlocked community with extremely flat topography and having a restrictive stormwater release to the sensitive Skokie River. Robust public engagement, local partnership building, and clear project initiatives set the foundation for a strongly supported project that, in addition to stormwater and flood control, provides significant other community benefits